Ireland highest self-perceived health status in the EU


Ireland had the highest self-perceived health status in the EU in 2022, according to Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2023.

The publication covers demographics, population health, hospital and primary care, health sector employment and expenditure.

It showed:

  • The total number of consultant and non-consultant hospital doctors employed in the public health service in Ireland increased to 11,884 or 57.1% between 2013 and 2022.
  • The number of nurses and midwives increased to almost 44,000 or 27.6% since 2013.
  • Between 2013 and 2022, the mortality rate from cancer fell by 11.4%, the mortality rate from circulatory system diseases fell by 25.1%, the mortality rate for ischaemic heart diseases fell by 33.4% and the mortality rate from respiratory system diseases fell by 24.5%.
  • The proportion of total health expenditure paid for either out-of-pocket or through private health insurance has been reducing in recent years; the Government funded 77.4% of total health expenditure in Ireland in 2021.

Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly said, “Our health service is continuing to deliver outcomes that are in many instances among the best in Europe. Ireland is among a small group of seven EU countries where life expectancy at birth is above 82. This is the result of significant improvements in our mortality rates for many of the common causes of death over the past decade. That this has happened in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic is a very encouraging sign of the resilience of our health service.

“Even as the pandemic recedes from public consciousness, other challenges await us. Key Trends shows us that the largest proportionate increase in population over the next two decades is projected to occur among those aged 85 years and older, with the number of people aged 65 and over projected to grow from one-fifth to over one-third of the working population in the same period. Such demographic changes require a health service that is ever more efficient and productive; for this, timely and quality data is essential.

The Health Information Bill provides a framework for the collection of healthcare data, enhancing patient care and safety, supporting public health management, enabling better planning and delivery of health services, supporting research and innovation, and facilitating the digital transformation of healthcare.”