Mayo University Hospital welcomes progress on plans for new ED expansion


Mayo University Hospital (MUH) haswelcomed the progress in developing a new two-story extension to include extension of the Emergency Department and new Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU).

The extension of the Emergency Department is at Ground Floor with a new Acute Medical Assessment Unit on the first floor.

The new ED facilities will be constructed in the courtyard connecting into the existing ED. The existing ED will also undergo major refurbishment as part of the plans.

Welcoming the progress Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly said, “This ED expansion and the provision of a new Acute Medical Assessment Unit will ensure more capacity for urgent care and better outcomes for the people of Mayo. It is another important step in the provision of better health care for our communities.” 

The ED extension will provide additional patient cubicles including isolation facilities, gynaecology treatment suite and associated staff and clinical support facilities. This extension will support full separation of adult and paediatric care. There will also be significant improvement in streaming of patients and resuscitation facilities for critically unwell patient presenting to the hospital. The ground floor also has a single story section to provide extra support accommodation for the emergency department.

The Acute Medical Assessment Unit is at the first floor.  This unit is designed to support the ongoing development of the acute medical programme with patient assessment cubicles, isolation facilities and private spaces for patient consultations. This unit is designed to receive patients directly from GPs and transfer appropriate patient from ED. This unit is linked directly into the inpatient services and will form part of an acute unit.

The development includes a new Ambulance entrance, with works carried out to the existing Ambulance Drop-Off / Set-Down area providing increased Emergency Vehicle capacity.

Catherine Donohoe, Hospital Manager at MUH said, “We are delighted to be progressing this essential project which includes the expansion and renovation of the ED and a new AMAU at Mayo University Hospital. This project will have a transformative impact for our Hospital and will result in much better patient experience.

“It will support staff to provide high quality care in an efficient and effective way. The dual development will result in having the right patients in the right place and giving assured pathways for our patient and good access for our GP colleagues. It will assist us in meeting the growing service demands while providing an improved environment for our staff as well as our patients.”

There are multiple phases of works planned to deliver this project, with the first enabling works anticipated to commence construction by mid-2024. Construction of the main building extension works is anticipated to commence by mid next year.

Welcoming the progress, Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West said, “The expansion of the ED is a huge step forward in our plans to develop more capacity for the region. We have a vision for our health services which will lead to better health outcomes for our communities.”