HOPE Exchange Programme 2024


Applications are invited from healthcare professionals involved in the management of healthcare services to participate in an European exchange programme designed to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise within different European countries. The length of the exchange period is four weeks, starting on Monday, May 13, 2024.

Further information and application form may be downloaded from the HOPE website: https://hope.be/programme-2024/. Completed application forms must be returned by 31st October 2023 to the National Coordinator, Siobhán Regan. For further information or enquiries on the programme, please contact Siobhán on 086 6012165 or e-mail: siobhan.regan@hse.ie.

HOPE, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, is a European non-profit organisation, created in 1966. Since 1981, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation is running the HOPE Exchange Programme. It consists of a 4-week programme for professionals with managerial responsibilities working in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

The emphasis of the programme is practical rather than academic and also takes into account the professional’s specific motivation for joining the programme as well as the agreed theme for the year. The theme for the 2024 Programme is “Keeping our health workforce.” The HOPE Exchange Programme 2024 concludes with the HOPE Agora, which takes place from June 7 – 9, 2024 in Brussels.