Helping HCPs to assess and manage continence


An education programme has been developed to enable Healthcare Professionals to support and help people manage continence.

In line with Slaintecare principles of integrated care, all healthcare staff in all settings should be the focus of continence care education.

At the first point of contact initial assessment, continence promotion and management are key.  This would decrease the need for products, reduce inappropriate referrals and waiting times in secondary care and promote self-management of a chronic condition for patients.

The National Primary Care Service Improvement Programme has developed an education programme to enable HCPs to develop knowledge and acquire the skills to perform an holistic bladder and bowel assessment. The programme  is suitable for healthcare professionals engaged in the assessment and management of adults with continence issues.

Modules focus on:

  • Prevalence and impact of continence in Ireland.
  • Types and classification of incontinence.
  • Assessment and management.
  • Case studies.
  • Skin care.
  • Integrated care – shared care plan.

The modules were developed by a team with a wealth of teaching experience and clinical expertise. They include Continence Advisors (including Margaret Tiernan, Roscommon Primary  Care, Community Healthcare West) Nursing Practice Educator and Consultant Urologist and Mr. Eamonn Rogers. There are four modules in total (with three topics in each module) and all modules can be completed in the participant’s own time. The course is NMBI category 1 approved 7 CEUs.

Login and register at Once registered, select course catalogues, then ONMSD catalogue. Scroll down for National Adult Continence Education Programme 2021-2020. Once complete you are invited to a Live Q&A session every quarter with Continence Advisors and other panellists.  Next Q&A is planned for 6th April 2022 with Margaret Tiernan Continence and other experts.

The National Guideline for promoting continence care in adults and supporting toolkit withassessment forms, pathways,  patient information leaflets and associated resources is  available via dedicated webpage