How the additional €10 million will be spent on mental health


Over €7 million has been allocated to improve the experiences of people using mental health inpatient units, day centres, community mental health teams and community residences in every community across the country, according to Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler.

She said the funding would be used to improve the physical environments of some centres and enhance the range of social and therapeutic supports available.

“Over €1 million has been allocated to enhance services and supports in areas such perinatal mental health, men’s mental health, trauma informed care, ethnic minorities, including the Traveller and Roma communities, eating disorders and dual diagnosis”.  

“Areas of investment at CHO level include, for example, the allocation of €150,000 to improve and enhance acute inpatient mental health care in CHO 5, €500,000 for mental health day services provision in the East Cork area and €170,000 for the continued operation of the mental health crisis café in Galway.

“Almost €3 million will be made available to the community and voluntary sector, including €1 million in funding for the continued delivery of free counselling sessions through MyMind, who deliver support in 17 different languages to people nationwide. This is particularly important given the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Ireland’s population.

“€1.8 million will be made available to mental health services for the replacement of fleet with green or hybrid vehicles in every Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO)..”

The Minister was confirming the details of €10 million in additional once off funding for mental health, that was announced on Budget Day.