Panel Discussions at the Conference were led by Mary Warde, Head of Primary Care Services, CHO West, Ann Cosgrove, Chief Operations Officer, Saolta University Healthcare Group, Dr. Michaelle Canavan, Medical Consultant, Galway University Hospitals, Ellen O’Dea, Head of Service, CHO Dublin North City and County, Linda Ní Ghallchoir, Sláintecare Social Prescribing Link Worker, Michael Nicholson, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Community, Cultural and Social Development Directorate, Wicklow County Council, Paul Rogers, CEO, Northside Partnership and Dr. Stanley D.W. Miller, National Clinical Lead, Respiratory Programme HSE.
Conference Chairs were, Breda Crehan Roche, Vice President HMI and Mellany McLoone, Chief Officer, CHO Dublin North City and County and HMI Council Member.
Conference Sponsors were:
- Aon Healthcare
- Janssen Sciences Ireland UC
- Cardiac Services
- HaloCare
- Health Care Informed
- Intersystems
- MedoSync
- Open Medical
- Softworks
- Swiftqueue Technologies
- The Learning Rooms
- TTM Healthcare Solutions
- ViClarity
- IFIC Ireland
- Patron: Archus UK
HMI thank all organisations for their support.

Gold: GSK, www.gsk.com

Silver: Aon, www.aon.ie

Silver: Janssen, www.janssen.ie

Silver: IQVIA, www.iqvia.com

Cardiac Services, www.cardiac-services.com

HaloCare. halocaregroup.com

HCI, hci.care

Intersystems, www.InterSystems.com/uk

MedoSync, medosync.com

Open Medical, openmedical.co.uk

Softworks softworks.com

Swiftqueue, www.swiftqueue.com

The Learning Rooms, theLearningRooms.com

TTM Healthcare Solutions, ttmhealthcare.ie

ViClarity, www.viclarity.com

IFIC Ireland, integratedcarefoundation.orf/ireland
