Breda Crehan-Roche takes over as new President of the HMI

Breda Crehan Roche
Breda Crehan–Roche, President of HMI

Breda Crehan–Roche, the new President of HMI is a Health and Social Care Systems Management Consultant. 

Breda is a highly accomplished and uniquely experienced health and social care executive, with over 35 years’ experience as a health and social care professional and senior executive at all levels of the Irish health and social care ecosystem.

Breda took early retirement from her most recent HSE position as Chief Officer of Community Healthcare West/CHO2, where she led out on major transformational and reform programmes under Sláintecare across Primary Care, Disability, Mental Health, Older Persons Services and Health and Well-Being Services throughout Counties Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. With a keen interest in integrated health and social care system reform across complex health and social care services, Breda has a particular specialist interest in Disability Services and Community Care Services, having worked as Chief Executive Officer of Ability West between 2005 and 2019. She also held a number of senior management positions, including senior roles in the Midland Health Board, as Assistant CEO of Community Care Services, Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and for a short period as Assistant National Director of Social Inclusion in the newly formed Health Service Executive.

Breda is a Registered Nurse, Montessori Teacher, has an MSc in Economics and Healthcare Management from the University of Wales, an MBS from University of Limerick and a Certificate in Charity Law, Governance and Trusteeship from the Law Society. She continues to provide her expertise, health and social care systems consulting services to a range of stakeholders across the health and social care system where the depth and breadth of her experience as a senior health and social care manager and commissioner provides invaluable insights and guidance to parties seeking to meaningfully participate in and to support the health and social care system to increase access to care and services and to ensure patient and to service user centricity which is the focal point for all initiatives.  Breda has recently joined the Faculty of the Graduate School of HealthCare Management, Royal College of Surgeons where she inputs on “Executive Challenge” learning with Clinical Directors across Ireland. 

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The Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) is the professional body for healthcare managers across all sectors of the health services in Ireland. Its overall aim is the development of standards of management competence and practice. We inform, educate and involve members and stakeholders in professional development and networking activities.