RCSI ranks fifth in world for Good Health and Well-being in THE University Impact Rankings


RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences has ranked fifth in the world for SDG3 ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’ in the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2024. This is the fourth time in five years that RCSI has ranked in the top five of this global ranking.

RCSI has retained the highest position of any European University for SDG3 following this year’s ranking. The THE University Impact Rankings recognise universities around the world for their social and economic impact based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Nearly 2,000 universities around the world participated in this year’s SDG 3 ranking, an increase of almost 1,200 since the ranking began in 2020.   

Launched earlier this year, RCSI’s Climate Action Roadmap commits the university to a number of sustainability targets on the journey to net carbon zero, which it intends to achieve by 2050.   

Further key initiatives from RCSI over the past year include the launch of guidelines aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of surgery in Ireland. The guidelines reflect the high proportion of greenhouse emissions generated by the surgical suite, which is three to six times more energy intensive than a hospital ward.  

The university has also embedded sustainability in its continuous professional development (CPD) offering, with new modules addressing sustainability in healthcare and green surgery.