Former HMI President, Lucy Nugent, was elected President of the European Association of Healthcare Managers (EAHM), at its 52nd General Assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania in May, writes Sharon Morrow.
Lucy, who is a current HMI Council Member is the first female President in the Association’s 50 year history and will take up her role in October 2022, when she will succeed Phillipe Blua.
The President was elected by vote, with each member country having four votes.
In addition to the General Assembly, there were meetings of the EAHM Board, EAHM Executive, EAHM Mental Health Sub-Committee and the EAHM Scientific Sub-Committee.
Gerry O’Dwyer and Lucy Nugent attended the EAHM Board meeting and I attended the Scientific Sub-Committee meeting.
The EAHM General Assembly in Vilnius was scheduled to coincide with the International Conference of the Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania, dedicated to the 30thAnniversary of the Association. The theme of the event was ‘Healthcare Changes in the Context of Covid-19’. The Conference was opened by Arūnas Dulkys, Minister of Health, Lithuania, followed by welcome speeches from the current EAHM President, Philippe Blua, President elect, Lucy Nugent, and past President, Gerry O’Dwyer. Attendees were also addressed by members of the Lithuanian Parliament and the President of the Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania, Prof K. Staras.
Presentations included a historical review and comparison of past pandemics and Lessons learned and Leadership Challenges during Covid – 19.
HMI President, Tony Canavan, presented remotely at the conference on ‘Good practices and Management in Hospitals in 2030.’
The General Assembly and International Conference was the first opportunity in over two years for EAHM Board, Executive and Sub-Committee members to meet face to face and it provided a wonderful opportunity to re-establish existing relationships and commence new ones. The President Elect, Lucy Nugent, will formally take up position as President of the EAHM at the next EAHM Congress meeting in Athens, October 2022.