HMI Council 2022

Tony Canavan
President, HMI
CEO Saolta University Healthcare Group, University Hospital Galway

Breda Crehan-Roche
Vice President, HMI Chief Officer, Community Healthcare West, Health Service Executive

Dr. Gerard O’Callaghan has been elected HMI Honorary Treasurer. He is Chief Operations Officer, South South/West Hospital Group.
Dr. Gerard O’Callaghan
Honorary Treasurer, HMI CEO of Cork University Hospital
Mr. Gerry O’Dwyer has been elected Director of Education. He is CEO South South West Hospital Group. He was elected President of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) in September 2014.
Gerry O’Dwyer
Director of Education, HMI CEO South / South West Hospital Group
Ms. Anne Slattery was elected Honorary Secretary, HMI. She is General Manager, St. Luke’s General Hospital, Kilkenny.
Anne Slattery
Honorary Secretary
, HMI General Manager, St. Luke’s General Hospital, Kilkenny
Caroline O'Regan
Caroline O’Regan
Executive Development
Executive Development Specialist, Programme Director
Royal College of Surgeons, Institute of Leadership (IoL) Ireland
Lucy Nugent
Lucy Nugent
Immediate Past President
, HMI CEO, Tallaght University Hospital
Derek Greene
Derek Greene
Ordinary Council Member, HMI Chief Executive, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dún Laoghaire
Kate Killeen White
Kate Killeen White
Ordinary Council Member, HMI Chief Officer, South East community Healthcare
Mellany McCloone
Mellany McLoone
Ordinary Council Member, HMI Chief Officer, Community Healthcare Organisation, Dublin North City and County (CHO DNCC)
Adrian Ahern
Adrian Ahern
Co-opted Member
, HMI Council Director of Nursing, Leopardstown Park Hospital
Eamonn Fitzgerald
Eamonn Fitzgerald
Co-opted Member
, HMI Council VP Health Services, UPMC Ireland/International
Sharon Morrow
Sharon Morrow
Co-opted Member
, HMI Council Director, Congenital Heart Disease Network, National Children’s Hospital Group