Priorities of new President-elect of EAHM

Lucy Nugent
CEO, Tallaght University Hospital and President-elect, EAHM

A collaborative approach to the profession of health management and the accreditation of healthcare managers, with EAHM as an accrediting body, is one of the six priorities of Lucy Nugent, the new President-elect of the EAHM, writes Maureen Browne.

“EAHM has long been an advocate of the professionalism of health management and collaboration with the International Hospital Federation in relation to the global healthcare leadership competencies. The next logical step is the accreditation of healthcare managers, with EAHM as an accrediting body. Staff shortages and challenges in recruitment are becoming a concern across Europe and Health Management needs to be seen as an attractive progressive career option,” said the new President-elect.

Her other objectives during her term of office centre on Digital Enabled Healthcare, Translational Research, Professionalism of Health Management, influencing EU Health Policy, Collaborative Partnerships and reducing the Environmental Impact of Health 

“The Covid 10 pandemic highlighted the need for health leaders across the world to work collaboratively when faced with a common global threat – building on the experience of knowledge sharing and supporting each other was a vital component in handling the pandemic response My ambition is to build on this collaborative approach in the six priority areas,” said Ms. Nugent, who is CEO of Tallaght University Hospital.

“Digital Enabled Healthcare is part of our everyday lives from Google to smart devices and yet healthcare has been slow to progress incorporation. The pandemic in some ways accelerated use of technology such as virtual consultations, but more can be done, for example, in the areas of artificial intelligence/assisted decision making. In addition, the threat of a cyber-attach is ever present, especially as we move to a digitalised health ecosystem .

“Translational Research – A criticism of health research is that it takes too long to get from the research bench to the bedside. EAHM has a significant role to play in this regard, particularly where multiple sites are required, as we have both volume and geographic spread across Europe.

 “Health Policy – Collectively EAHM has a strong voice which it should leverage further to become one of the “go to” associations for EU policy makers.

“Partnerships – EAHM has a good reputation which can be leveraged in developing further strategic partnerships with both industry and academia building on those established under the current President such as SHeIC.

“Environmental Impact of Health – Healthcare is one of the highest producers of carbon emissions but there are options to reduce this. However, they require affordable cost alternatives or grants to retro fit health facilities. As part of the Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) requirements of any industry or organisation are we doing enough in healthcare? EAHM can raise awareness and be leaders in this area.”

Separately she also highlighted that the current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine also emphasises the need for all member countries of the EAHM to work together and provide a network of health managers across Europe and beyond as the neutral voice and advocates for equitable healthcare for all.