HSE National Immunisation Office wins IT Project of the Year


The National Immunisation Office (NIO) received IT Project of the Year and was placed ‘Highly Commended’ in the Outstanding Response to COVID-19 category at this year’s CIO & IT Leader Awards. 

The award recognised the dedication and commitment of all those involved in the implementation of ScanVax and TrackVax in order to support the safe and effective rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Ireland.

The development of ScanVax and TrackVax, a collaboration with GS1 Ireland, meant that for the first time in Ireland, a complete vaccine inventory could be seamlessly available to the pharmacist on the system at the point of delivery. 

Director of the NIO, Dr Lucy Jessop said, “The feedback on TrackVax from the Senior Management Teams and the High Level Taskforce has been really positive in terms of enabling visibility of vaccine usage and it has been recognised that TrackVax has made a significant contribution to the efficient rollout of the COVID-19 vaccinations”.

“Congratulations to Ireland’s HSE National Immunisation Office on winning the ‘IT project of the year award’ at the CIO & IT Leaders Awards 2022. TrackVax is one of the best use cases for barcode scanning that I have ever seen; it is deservedly recognised as an award-winning implementation of barcode scanning in healthcare. The NIO’s collaboration with GS1 Ireland on TrackVax is a world-class example of GS1 standards in action enabling the fast, efficient and safe tracking of vaccine stock from HSE National Cold Chain Service to Pharmacists and right through to the client in all of Ireland’s vaccination centres”.