Welcome to Health Manager Journal December 2023

President’s Message

“Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.” An old Irish saying I first heard in primary school and thought I understood. In more...

HMI Annual Conference 2023

Healthcare Managers Will Provide Leadership For Changes Required In The Health Service – HMI President

Healthcare managers would provide the leadership for the changes required in the health service, HMI President, Mr. Tony Canavan said when he officially opened...

HMI Seminar

HMI News

Three New Members of HMI Council

Three new Members have been appointed to the HMI Council. They are Dr. Phillipa Ryan Withero, Grace Rothwell and Theresa Heller. A native of Kilkenny, Grace...



Moving on


News from around the health services

Sustainable development

Policy development

Clinical news

Spending review 2023

Hospital performance

Maureen Browne

Editor, Health Manager Journal