New MSc in Palliative Care

CEO of Marymount Dr Sarah McCloskey, An Tánaiste Micheal Martin and Head of College of Medicine UCC Prof. Helen Whelton
CEO of Marymount Dr Sarah McCloskey, An Tánaiste Micheal Martin and Head of College of Medicine UCC Prof. Helen Whelton

Marymount University Hospital and Hospice and University College Cork have launched an innovative new MSc in Palliative Care, the first ever of its kind in Cork.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care is the first of three courses providing postgraduate training in Palliative Care at UCC. The suite of courses comprises a blended learning, interdisciplinary Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, and MSc in Palliative Care.

The Palliative Care programme at UCC is an innovative collaboration between clinicians at Marymount University Hospital & Hospice and UCC. It aims to provide students with a flexible educational experience and offers a number of elective module choices to allow each student to tailor the course to their own learning needs, work setting, and role.

The programme aims to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care to people with palliative care needs and their families. Course content includes practical information on holistic symptom assessment and management, a strong focus on communication, leadership, ethical approaches and interdisciplinary teamwork, decision-making and care planning, translation of evidence to clinical practice, and reflection on legislative, policy and societal influences on palliative care across health and social care settings. The impact and benefit of palliative care for patients with both cancer and non-cancer diagnoses is also included. 


All students register for a Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care in the first instance. On successful completion of the Certificate, they will be eligible to progress to the Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care in the following year. They can progress to the MSc Palliative Care course after successful completion of the Diploma.