Winners of Silver Medal in 2022 Community Radio Awards

Seamus Gallagher and Christina Connolly

Seamus Gallagher, who with his colleague Christina Connolly won the Silver Medal  in the 2022 Community Radio Ireland Achievement Awards.

They were Joint Producers/Presenters of the Kinvara Community Radio programme which won the Social Benefit category of the awards.

Long-time senior health manager, Seamus forged a new career in recent years – presenting two highly successful community radio programmes, “Seamus on the Wireless” and “Kinvara Reporting,” which are attracting increasing audiences of people who are fascinated by his mix of local current affairs, history and community news.

Seamus was the first person in the west of Ireland to be a member of the HMI Council and he is still deeply involved in the Institute, organising regular HMI West fora and meetings.

A native of Sligo, he has had a varied career in the statutory and private health services in Ireland and Saudi Arabia.

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The Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) is the professional body for healthcare managers across all sectors of the health services in Ireland. Its overall aim is the development of standards of management competence and practice. We inform, educate and involve members and stakeholders in professional development and networking activities.