New Chair of National Paediatric Hospital Development Board


Ms Fiona Ross has been appointed Chairperson- of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB), following a State Boards campaign and selection process.

Fiona Ross
Fiona Ross

Ms. Ross has significant Chair and Board level experience  Until her appointment, she was a  member of the Board of the HSE and served on the HSE audit and risk committee.  In 2018 she was appointed by the Government to Chair Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) and was re-appointed for second term in June 2021.

She has served on 17 Boards in Ireland and the UK. She began her career as a stockbroker in the City of London and spent 25 years working in Capital Markets in Dublin, London, Eastern Europe, and the US.

Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly said, “Ms Ross joins the Board at a key time for this project, where we are no longer talking about planning the new hospital but where we have two out of three campuses almost complete and the third now a well-advanced building with clinical spaces now being fitted out. The project still has challenges, but I am confident Ms Ross is the right person to lead the Development Board to the completion of this critical healthcare investment project.”

Ms Ross said, “I am honoured to be asked by Minister Donnelly to chair the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board. Delivering a world-class national children’s hospital will be transformational for the health and wellbeing of our sickest children and their families. There is much work to do, and I look forward to starting immediately with my experienced board colleagues and our executive team to deliver on the job we have been given to do.”

The Minister also extended his gratitude to Mr Tim Bouchier-Hayes who took on the role of interim Chairperson following the resignation of the former Chair Mr Fred Barry at the end of February.

Consistent with best corporate governance practice it is recommended that no member of a State Board should hold appointments to more than two State boards at the same time. As such, Ms Ross tendered her resignation from the Board of the HSE to the Minister.

Fiona is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, Queen’s University Belfast and the Institute of Art and Design (IADT). In 2012 Fiona was awarded a fellowship in Governance at George Washington University in the United States.