HOPE Provides Opportunity for Irish Health Managers To Study Health & Hospital Systems in Europe

Siobhán Regan

Each year, HOPE provided Irish Health Managers with the opportunity to study Health and Hospital Systems in 24 European countries, Siobhán Regan, National Coordinator for Ireland of the HOPE Exchange Programme, told a HMI Regional Seminar.

She said that the benefits participants in the Exchange would gain included:

  • Sustainable individual development of managers and professionals in n European healthcare setting.
  • New ideas and new ways of addressing challenges in the participants’ own organisation and in the general  healthcare system.
  • Better and more complex understanding of own healthcare system and the European healthcare system in general, challenges and possible solutions.
  • New perspective on their own position, challenges and possibilities.
  • Access to a European network of healthcare professionals.

Siobhán said HOPE represented its member countries in Europe in the area of policies which had an impact on hospitals and health services.

She said it was a European Non-Profit Organisation.  In Ireland, the Department of Health was the member of HOPE. A membership organisation, it had been set up in 1966 in Rome, and now represented 36 organisations in  the 27 EU Member States plus Switzerland, Republic of Serbia and the United Kingdom. HOPE contributed to the legislative agenda and also to the non-legislative activities in particular through participation in European projects and joint activities.

The HOPE Exchange Programme was an Exchange Programme for healthcare professionals involved  in the management of healthcare services across Europe. It provided for an exchange for a four week period in another European country. In 2025, this Exchange Programme would take place from May 19 – June 13,.

The theme for the 2025 Programme was Together for Quality.”  The programme aimed to lead to better understanding of the functioning of healthcare and hospital systems within the EU and neighbour countries, by facilitating co-operation and exchange of best practices.

The HOPE Exchange Programme 2025 would conclude with the HOPE Agora, which would take place from June 13 – June 15, 2025 in Vienna, Austria.

There were 24 countries participating in the HOPE Exchange. These included Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.

Siobhán said the HOPE Exchange Programme, originally intended for hospital professionals was now open to other healthcare professionals, from the HSE, Department of Health, voluntary, private or other health services  It was a 12-week programme at one point, then it was reduced to 8 weeks, then 6 weeks and now 4 weeks.

In terms of the eligibility criteria, applicants must be working in hospitals/healthcare services, adequately experienced in their profession with a minimum of three years of experience and having proficiency in the language that was accepted by the host country.

The emphasis of the programme was practical rather than academic and also took into account the professional’s specific motivation for joining the programme as well as the agreed theme for the year.

During the Agora, each participant was requested to contribute to a national presentation of his/her experiences abroad focusing on the theme for that year.

There was a language requirement in many countries.   In Austria a basic knowledge of German as well as English was required.  Belgium had some French speaking placements and some English placements, depending on host location, whereas to participate in the programme in France, you must speak French. On the application form applicants  self-assessed their language proficiency, but selected candidates had a proof of language proficiency call with the National Coordinator before selection could be confirmed.

Siobhán said participants gained individually from participating in the HOPE Exchange Programme In addition to the benefits to the sending organisation.  It also benefitted the organisation receiving participants, such as the host organisations in Irelandthrough the sharing of experience/knowledge of practices in many other European countries. .

She urged all those who were interested in further information, to contact her – 
Siobhan Regan, National Coordinator HOPE Exchange Programme Ireland.
Email: siobhan.regan@hse.ie. Phone: 086 6012165
Website: https://hope.be/programme-2025-2 .

More information on all the projects and study tours available on the website www.hope.be.

Siobhán Regan has been involved for many years in the HOPE Exchange Programme and in 2018 was appointed as National Coordinator for Ireland of the HOPE Exchange Programme.

Siobhán works as part of the Capability and Culture function within the Human Resources Division of the HSE, as Regional Leadership, Learning and Talent Management Manager.