Integrated Teams at Roscommon Primary Care Centre


The Integrated Eye Clinic and Integrated Continence Care Clinic teams at the Roscommon Primary Care Centre has enabled patients from the East/North East Galway, Roscommon, Tuam, Loughrea and Athenry Community Healthcare Network areas to meet with integrated care teams, according to Deirdre McNamara, Director of Strategic Programmes, Office of the Chief Clinical Officer, HSE, when shea visited the Centre.

She said the Integrated Care Teams included ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptists, and nurses – for the diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management of a variety of eye conditions, and an integrated care team- including specialist Physiotherapists and specialist Nurses for the diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management of continence issues.

“This means that many people in the region with eye concerns, or continence concerns will be able to get treatment much sooner and closer to home, rather than having to wait for an appointment in a hospital setting.

“This innovative Community based Integrated Continence Care service is the first of its kind in Europe and has provided the blueprint for the Pathway which will be piloted across CHO1 and CHO2 in the coming weeks and months.

“Integrated Eye Teams for Paediatric and Acute eye conditions and Integrated Continence Care Teams are a core component of the Modernised Care Pathways (MCPs), which the Strategic Programmes Office, National Clinical Programmes, and healthcare teams across Ireland have been rolling out over the course of 2023 and are a key priority within the Department of Health’s Waiting List Action Plan.”