HSE Donated €8.5 million in medical supplies to Ukraine and Africa


There were 32 million items with a value of €8.6 million donated by the HSE to Ukraine and Africa in response to COVID-19 and conflict in Ukraine. Items included personal protective equipment (PPE), ambulances, hospital instruments, medical supplies and consumables, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and aids and appliances, according to the 2022 HSE Annual Report.

Following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the HSE donated essential supplies and equipment, supported by relevant government departments. This support has helped hospitals and health services in Ukraine to provide essential and emergency healthcare in the face of conflict.

Nineteen decommissioned HSE ambulances left Ireland, having been repurposed and equipped for use in Ukraine. Donations of medical equipment, appliances and consumables such as PPE, syringes, ventilators, defibrillators, patient monitors, and aids and appliances were delivered to a Ukraine government licensed distribution hub in Lviv, Ukraine.

The HSE continues to be involved in continued implementation of capacity building for health service improvement in Mozambique, Ethiopia, Zambia and Sudan and has commenced engagement with Tanzania.