The HSE has appointed Liam Woods to head up the operational transition to Regional Healthcare Associations. This is one of the major pillars of Sláintecare.
Mr. Woods was previously National Director of Acute Operations.
He was a member of the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) during the Covid-19 pandemic and was centrally involved in planning the response of the hospital system to the virus.
A native of Dublin, he is a UCD graduate and a qualified Chartered Accountant. Prior to joining the health services, he worked in the private sector in an accounting and consultancy organisation. He joined the health services in 1999 as Financial Director of the Eastern Regional Health Authority, serving in this post until the ERHA became part of the Health Service Executive in January 2005. Liam was Director of Finance of the HSE for an eight-year period and Director of Health Business Services for a year before being appointed Director of Acute Services.