New President of the International Hospital Federation


Deborah Bowen, has taken up the position of President of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) following her election in 2019 and a two-year term as President Designate.

At the Closing Plenary and Ceremony of the 44th World Hospital Congress in Barcelona (Spain), the presidency was formally transferred to Deborah Bowen (USA) from Dr Risto Miettunen (Finland) who completes his term on the IHF’s Governing Council.

Deborah Bowen is President and Chief Executive Officer of the American College of Healthcare Executives and has served on the IHF’s Governing Council since 2015. Ms Bowen brings a wealth of leadership and management experience to the role. Since becoming president and CEO of ACHE, Ms Bowen has been recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare and one of the Top 25 Women in Healthcare. Ms Bowen was elected President Designate of the IHF in November 2019.

Of 35 presidents of the IHF since it was established in 1929, Ms Bowen is the second woman to be elected (the first being Gillian Morgan, former CEO of NHS Confederation, UK who was President in 2003–2005).