The Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework, which will provide a basis for measuring progress on improving the health and wellbeing of the population, has been published by the Department of Health.
This Outcomes Framework is a key action in the implementation of Healthy Ireland, as well as an early commitment in the implementation of the Sláintecare strategy.
The Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework contains an initial set of indicators which includes measures showing the health status of the population, such as smoking and obesity rates, health protection measures such as screening and vaccination, social factors such as educational attainment and poverty, environmental factors such as air quality, and measures of wellbeing.
All of these measures taken together give a holistic picture of overall societal health and wellbeing, and provide a mechanism by which the impact on population health of relevant policy areas can be assessed in the future. The set of indicators was agreed through collaborative work across government and with stakeholders, and an annual report on progress will be will published from 2019. Further work will also be undertaken to update and add indicators in other relevant policy areas.
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