Germany, National Coordinator, Mr. Peer Kopf.
The presenters were Ursula Kerschbaum, Karin Figl, Guila Marin, Marrion Joseph, Timo Alalääkkölä, Kristjan Kongi, Marrion Joseph, Marianne Schild, Isabel Sastre and Aleksandra Legeza.
They reported on organisational innovation in Germany ‘where ideas and reality meet each other.
They concentrated specifically on the upgraded planning process of the modern hospital facility: Heidelberg University Hospital New Surgery Clinic and on „Ideenmanagement” (Idea Management): an instrument for improve Quality Management
They said that the challenge in designing the clinic was that the classic way of planning of the facility did not actually serve the treatment process. Designers had too narrow a view of the whole workflow of the surgery clinic.
Therefore they worked to get the building designed by a multidisciplinary team, members of which could see the whole picture. Patient path was the focus and they used a virtual 3D model of the building to visualise workflow analysis and visualisation and training of staff. This meant staff were ready to work in the new building from day one. Construction started in 2014 was ready in 2017, at a cost of €220 million. The new clinic better utilised the resources and enabled patients to always take the shortest path during the treatment. There was more input to the planning process from the clinical side and they were able to design and construct a building that matched the need of the final users and provided the best possible treatment for the patient.
The objective of Ideenmanagement was to improve quality, stimulate the creativity of the employees using the potential of the experiences and ideas of all employees. Employees could contribute with their knowledge in part beyond their own area to the benefit of the clinic, and so were given the chance to participate in the changes and development of the hospital. This improved patient care and procedures, increased economic efficiency and promoted environmental protection and avoidance of risks.