HomeJanuary 2016President's Message

President’s Message

Shape your career with HMI in 2016

It’s that time of year again, when all of those New Year’s good intentions, made just after Christmas, start to lose their sheen and attraction and the reality of everyday life sets in again. The New Year’s resolutions to join the gym, lose a few pounds, stay off sweet things or reduce sugar intake that seemed so much the right thing to do when you made the initial promise to yourself become more difficult to achieve now that our lives get back to normal. Nevertheless perseverance is the key to success they say, so I encourage you to keep your good new habits going.

Derek Greene, President, HMI
Derek Greene, President, HMI

I want to ask you to make another commitment, but one which does not involve giving up anything or having to go the gym. In fact it requires you to take up something not give it up. I am asking you this year to take and make some conscious time for yourself and your career development. I am asking you to join with many other health service staff and join the HMI in 2016. Not only join but get actively involved.

As I have said before, the HMI is the professional membership body for health care staff of all disciplines. We organise conferences, regional meetings and networking events all specifically designed to enable Managers to meet, engage in debate and to develop and shape their careers. Our organisation is designed and led by you, our membership, and with your support and active participation you can help shape, develop and influence the work we do and actively promote and develop your career.

The key to success in any career is having your finger on the pulse, knowing what’s going on and being able to network with key colleagues around issues which are pertinent to the work we do. The HMI and its activities constantly tick all of those boxes. We provide the forum and the opportunities within which all of the above occur and by active involvement yourself, you can help shape and develop your career.

So in a world which is focused primarily on reducing or giving up things to make ourselves better, healthier or fit for purpose I am asking you to take something on, for a better self. Something in which you can become actively involved, have a voice and shape the work we do, all for a little time, but with great benefit for you and your long-term career. I encourage you to join with many others in our service and start to get involved. Let today be the day when you commit to get involved, get active and take responsibility for shaping and influencing your own future career in our health service.

With every good wish for 2016.

See you all at our next event.


Derek Greene
President HMI