A health technology assessment of robot-assisted keyhole surgery is to be carried out by the Health Information and Quality Authority. Following a request from the HSE, HIQA has agreed to undertake the assessment of the use of the robotic technology for a range of different types of surgery.

HIQA has convened a multidisciplinary Expert Advisory Group chaired by the Authority’s Director of Health Technology Assessment, Dr Máirín Ryan, to oversee the process of the health technology assessment and to provide access to expert advice and information as required.
The terms of reference for the HTA are:
- Describe the epidemiology and clinical burden associated with specified diseases in which robot-assisted surgery may be indicated. These include diseases in urology, gynaecology, cardiology and diseases of head and neck.
- Review the evidence of the effectiveness and safety of robot-assisted surgery compared to other surgical interventions for specified indications.
- Examine the cost-effectiveness of robot-assisted surgery compared to other surgical interventions for indications where there is evidence to show that it is more effective.
- Estimate the budget impact of implementing robot-assisted surgery for the selected indication(s).
- Examine the evidence and the research related to training and credentialing requirements to ensure safety and best outcomes.
- Examine how the health system can be organised in order to implement the technology as effectively and efficiently as possible.
- Consider any additional evidence that the technology is likely to have wider implications for the health system or for affected patients.