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My involvement in the evolution of compassionate leadership and the pledge for Ireland

My involvement in the evolution of compassionate leadership and the pledge for Irelandwasn’t a planned strategic move writes Angela Hughes, HSE Programme Manager Clinical Directors Programme, Multidisciplinary Team Development, Clinical Programmes & Professional Development.  

Angela Hughes
Angela Hughes

In 2018 I was privileged to be nominated (with other colleagues) to a group which was established by The Kings Fund UK in partnership with UCD called “The Five Nations”. This was established as a collective leadership community of practice and included Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. This was the start of the compassionate leadership journey through evolution of the Five Nations now onto the international platform: Global Compassion Coalition. It is great to see Ireland signing the Compassionate Pledge alongside other nations. 

The Global Compassion Coalition provides a platform to share case examples of compassionate cultures and the positive impact such practices have in healthcare. “I believe that building and maintaining strong relationships requires trust, psychological safety and the courage to disagree, which is central to compassionate leadership, this is why I have adopted compassionate leadership as the foundation to all our clinical leadership programmes”.  When I organised and delivered three National Clinical Directors Conferences, in partnership with the Graduate School of HealthCare Management RCSI, to support the vast and complex restructure of the HSE from the centre to the new health region structures we integrated themes of New Ways of working Compassionate leadership and Compassionate cultures. These conferences were open to all senior clinical and nonclinical leaders to provide a shared platform for connection and conversation on embracing and enhancing news ways of integrated working. 

As the HSE lead in managing the Multidisciplinary Team Development Compassionate Leadership Programmes x 9 in partnership with GSM RCSI who delivered these programmes ,the design was based on the need to support Sláintecare implementation; adopting a compassionate cultures approach in new ways of working with all modules aimed at self, service and culture. In my role also as Clinical Director Programme Manager I have managed, with our academic delivery partner, GSM RCSI  7 HSE National Clinical Directors Executive:  Compassion and Collective leadership Programmes.

Compassionate and collective leadership are central to each module on leadership approach, high quality performing teams and culture in healthcare.  These programmes are designed for Executive Clinical Directors to support the clinical director forum which has a two-fold aim. Firstly, to facilitate the clinical directors in their role and secondly, to support the new clinical leadership structures as per contract. The programmes provide a safe peer to peer space for senior clinical leaders to discuss their challenges, meet with senior HSE leaders and international thought leaders and to improve management skills in the areas of HR and finance. Compassionate leadership puts a language on an otherwise difficult concept to articulate. The practical tools and techniques available to integrate compassionate practices makes it easier to communicate and demonstrate the potential impact for healthcare.

I have also recently completed the Graduate School of HealthCare Management R.C.S.I Compassionate Action Learning Facilitation Programme (C.A.L.F.) with senior colleagues across Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England to support implementation of compassionate practices back in the place of work.  I am delighted that compassionate cultures are gaining traction in Irish healthcare, and I hope the two exemplary leaders, Dr. Andy Phillips, REO Southwest and Ms. Teresa Keller, CEO Irish HomeCare signing the compassionate pledge is just the beginning for Ireland.