GUH cuts waiting lists for Respiratory Airway Disease


Galway University Hospital waiting lists for Respiratory Airway Disease has been cut significantly through new Integrated Care Hubs positioned in the community

Patients seeking treatment for the respiratory conditions COPD and asthma have seen their hospital waiting lists cut dramatically as a result of the new Integrated Care Hub in Galway.

Where once patients would face waits of up to three years to access services, the Integrated Care Hub, funded by HSE Enhanced Community Care, is ensuring full access to services within a matter of weeks.

Dr Sinead Walsh, Respiratory Consultant and Respiratory Lead for the Galway City Integrated Care Hub welcomed the new services as a major step forward in reducing wait times for patients.

“This has been an absolute game changer for patients. Previously they were waiting a number of years to even access a respiratory specialist. Now they know they’ll be seen within a number of weeks,” she said.

Since commencing the Consultant-led diagnostic clinic in a community setting, almost 250 patients have been reviewed by Dr Walsh and her Integrated Respiratory Specialist team in various community locations throughout the county. GPs refer directly to the Integrated Respiratory clinic, thereby avoiding the acute hospital waiting lists. 36% of referrals are taken from the existing affiliated acute hospital respiratory waiting lists.

The mean wait time for review in the Respiratory Integrated clinic is now six weeks.

When patients come to the service they have their breathing test done first by a physiologist. This checks the level of air they can breathe in and out of their lungs. Following this they see the respiratory consultant. After reviewing the test and a clinical assessment of the patient, a diagnosis of COPD or Asthma can be made.

During the same appointment the patient can then see the respiratory clinical nurse specialist and the respiratory physiotherapist, should this be required.

“Prior to this, GPs would refer patients with the query diagnosis of COPD or asthma to the acute hospital services. Patients were often waiting three years to avail of that breathing test and then access services. Now GPs can refer directly to us here in the Integrated Care Hub. We triage the referrals and if the patient meets inclusion criteria we arrange for that patient to be seen in the coming weeks within a diagnostic clinic located in the community,” said Dr Walsh.