Guidance on best practice for developing and managing a robotic assisted surgery programme


The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland has issued a guidance document on best practice for hospitals looking to develop and manage a robotic assisted surgery programme.

It focuses specifically on soft tissue robotic surgery, which has become a standard of care in many specialties.

‘Robotic Surgery Governance In Ireland, A Guide To Good Practice’  outlines recommendations for training, credentialing, and governance to help hospitals implement robotic surgery safely and effectively.

The RCSI says that by following these suggested protocols, Irish hospitals can support high standards of surgeon competency, ensure patient safety, and responsibly incorporate new technologies.

The guidance has been issued following a national survey in Ireland, which included the majority of Irish robotic consultant surgeons, highlighted a strong desire for clearer regulation, supervision and guidance in the use of robotic systems, with 95.2% of respondents endorsing the establishment of a dedicated committee (RCSI National Robotic Surgery Leads Group, 2024).