‘Ruadhan’ matches NTPF and hospital waiting lists


An AI and Automation robot called ‘Ruadhan’ is working overnight in University Hospital, Galway to match the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) and hospital waiting lists.

HSE  Deputy CEO, Mr. Damian McCallion said these were real productivity gains.  He paid tribute to the “great work by the HSE Technology and Transformation AI and Automation team  under Kevin Kelly. General Manager, Technology and Transformation, supported by Louise McEntee, Vincent Jordan, Sheila McGuinness and all the team in University Hospital Galway to streamline out-patient waiting lists and free up staff time for other important work on waiting lists.

The AI and Automation team are now already working on extending ‘Ruadhan’ to all hospitals within each of our health regions. Ruadhan is going to be very busy.

“AI and automation is one of the key actions of our Digital for Care Framework 2030 approved by government to improve our health service through investment in digitisation.”