President’s Message

Breda Crehan-Roche
Breda Crehan-Roche

Reflecting on 2024 and looking forward to 2025.

Welcome to the December edition of Health Manager. As we are approach the end of 2024, it is a good time to reflect on the past year and look to the New Year ahead.  During 2024 we have seen the further implementation of Sláintecare and the establishment of the six Regional Health Areas in the HSE. Indeed the topic was the subject of lively debate at this year’s conference. In October, a very successful Conference, which focused on “Positively Leading through Complex Change in Health and Social Care.” As President, I was delighted to introduce an expert and exceptional line up of speakers, from the Irish and European Health and Social Care sector. The conference was as always well attended with over 300 health and social care managers attending from across the health and social care ecosystem, representing a broad spectrum of public, private, non-statutory and voluntary providers. It was timely that one of the panels focused on the newly formed Regional Health Areas (RHA,s) with two Regional Executive Officers, an Integrated Health Area Manager and two Heads of Service, who spoke about their vision for and experience to date of the new structures.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our sponsors without whom it would not be possible to host such an event. Thanks also to the conference organising committee members, to The Learning Rooms and HMI Council Members for all their hard work.

We will begin planning the next Conference in early 2025 and we would welcome suggestions from all members. HMI is the professional body for healthcare managers across all sectors of the health and social care service in the Republic of Ireland. As a membership organisation, our primary aim is the continuous development of standards of management competence and practice, through informing, educating and involving our members and stakeholders in professional development and networking activities. For 2025 one of our priorities is to further grow membership and we will announce further details in due course. The link for membership is on our website

The HMI Council members and I look forward to working with you in the year ahead. We do not underestimate the challenges of leadership across the health and social care ecosystem and welcome any suggestions regarding how best to support you and your staff teams. You can email us at

Finally I would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Special thanks to our colleagues working across health and social care services throughout the festive season.

Breda Crehan-Roche

HMI President