New Deputy HSE CEO

Damien McCallion

Damien McCallion, the HSE’s Chief Technology and Transformation Officer with responsibility for technology, information security, data governance and digital development has been appointed Deputy CEO of the HSE.

Damien is also the HSE Director for the Sláintecare Programme, overseeing the HSE’s medium to long term transformation programmes. 

Damien was the HSE’s Chief Operations Officer from mid 2022 to June 2024, responsible for oversight of day-to-day health and social care operations in the HSE and over 100,000 staff.

 He took on a lead role in the COVID-19 pandemic response as the head of the successful Vaccination and Test &Trace programmes, a key part of the nation’s public health response to the pandemic. He held a variety of roles prior to this within the HSE, from Screening Services, Head of the National Ambulance Service, Head of ICT, National Director for Emergency Management and Special Delivery Unit, and an Area Manager for Health Services in the North West. He has also had a lead role in cross border health programmes, as Chair and Director General of CAWT.

Prior to working in the Health Service he worked for ten years in the airline industry. Damien originally qualified in computing from Letterkenny IT and subsequently completed an MSc in Innovation Management from University of Ulster and Letterkenny IT.