How to Put National Standards into Practice – An Implementation Guide for Health, Mental Health and Social Care Services

Booklet cover ‘How to Put National Standards into Practice’

A new practical guide to support people working in health mental health and social care services to implement national standards and drive quality improvements is now available.

This guide, ‘How to Put National Standards into Practice: An Implementation Guide for Health, Mental Health and Social Care Services’, was developed by HIQA and the Mental Health Commission.

It aims to support staff along their journey to implement national standards – from getting ready for new national standards, to identifying opportunities to improve quality and safety in services in line with existing standards.

Key features of the guide include:

  • A self-appraisal tool to help staff discuss what national standards mean in their setting.
  • An action plan template to help staff prepare a plan for implementing changes.
  • A checklist to keep track of progress when implementing the steps outlined in the guide.

Implementing national standards

HIQA and the MHC encourage services to use this guide to reflect on and identify opportunities to improve the quality and safety of their service, using national standards as a resource for quality improvement.

National standards are a set of high-level outcomes that describe how services can achieve safe, quality, person-centred care and support. They are evidence based and informed by engaging with those who use and provide our health, mental health and social care services.

“Making and sustaining changes to meet national standards requires a process that is systematic, collaborative and informative. This guide is designed to help staff to reflect on and plan quality improvements to implement these standards in their service. It encourages staff to work through this process at their own pace and to adapt the approach to fit their context” said HIQA.

The guide is available on both the HIQA website and the MHC website.

Additional guidance, tools, videos and booklets to support implementation of national standards, including online learning courses, can be found on the HIQA Learning Hub.

Additional Resources

Additional implementation support tools for national standards can be found on the HIQA Learning Hub. This hub provides links to online learning courses, guides and videos for frontline staff, students and academics, as well as people using health and social care services.