HIQA advises on use of enhanced flu vaccines for people aged 65 and older


HIQA provided advice to the Minister for Health and the HSE regarding a potential switch from a standard to an enhanced influenza (flu) vaccine for people aged 65 years and older as part of the HSE Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme.

HIQA’s health technology assessment found evidence that two types of enhanced flu vaccines (adjuvanted and high-dose flu vaccines) might be more effective than standard flu vaccines in preventing cases of flu or flu-related hospitalisation in this age group.

The assessment also found that some of the enhanced vaccines were associated with a higher risk of certain side effects (such as headache, pain at the injection site or fever) compared with standard flu vaccines, but these reactions are usually mild and short-lived.

Overall, the assessment noted that flu vaccines were generally safe and well tolerated, and that serious side effects were rare with both standard and enhanced flu vaccines.

Dr Máirín Ryan, HIQA’s Deputy CEO and Director of Health Technology Assessment, said, “People aged 65 years and older are disproportionately affected by the flu resulting in a substantial burden on patients, carers and healthcare services every winter. In Ireland, this burden has continued to exist despite a well-established Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme that offers a free standard flu vaccine to those aged 65 years and older, among others.

“While our assessment found that switching to an enhanced flu vaccine for this age group may reduce the burden of influenza, there is substantial uncertainty in relation to the cost of these vaccines to the HSE. HIQA has advised that the choice of enhanced vaccine and whether such a switch would represent a good use of HSE resources will depend on the price the HSE has to pay relative to the price of a standard flu vaccine.”

This assessment included a public consultation held from May 30 to July 11 this year.

HIQA undertook this assessment at the request of the Department of Health to inform the Minister for Health’s decision on funding a potential switch by the HSE from a standard to an enhanced flu vaccine for this age group.

The full report, a plain language summary, the statement of outcomes from the public consultation, and an infographic can be found at www.hiqa.ie.