Around 500 people in Ireland waiting for a transplant


At any one time, around 500 people in Ireland were waiting for a transplant, according to Dr Catherine Motherway, HSE Clinical Lead for Organ Donation.

She said that in 2023, there were 282 transplants carried out and in 2022 the number of transplants was 250, as a result of organ donors both living and deceased.

She said, “Demand for organ transplantation is increasing given advances in transplant medicine. However, a shortage of donors has resulted in high numbers of patients on waiting lists.

“Organ donation and transplantation is seen as one of the greatest medical advances of the 20th century. Our organ donors both living and deceased are honoured and have our immense gratitude.  We think of them and their gift of life to others. We thank our colleagues across the country who have supported organ donation and transplantation over the last 60 plus years here in Ireland. Our transplant recipients and we who care for them acknowledge that without donors, our transplant programs would not be able to offer them hope and the chance of a better life.

 The HSE is encouraging people to discuss organ donation with their loved ones.

“Making the decision to donate organs is the most important gift we can ever give. Making friends and family aware of how you feel and your wishes on organ donation are the key steps towards saving lives. Donation greatly enhances and, in many cases, saves the life of the person who receives the transplanted organ.”

The Department said, “A new law called the Human Tissue Act 2024 will be in place soon, representing an important step forward. It is underpinned by the knowledge that the vast majority of us when asked support organ donation. It will still ensure that the wishes of a deceased person and their next of kin remain central to any decision about organ donation. 

 “If you do not want to be an organ donor, there will be an opt out register available where you can place your name. If you are on the opt-out register, your next of kin will not be asked about organ donation. Even if you are not on the opt-out register, your family will be asked to give their consent for any organ donation and so it is important that everyone speaks to their loved ones about organ donation and make your intentions known to them.”

For more information on HSE Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland visit