Giving certainty back to staff as the pace of change accelerates

Tony Canavan
Tony Canavan President, HMI, CEO Saolta University Healthcare Group, University Hospital Galway

The pace of change within HSE structures has started to accelerate. We saw the appointment of the first of six REOs in December 2023; more appointments in January and March and the final REO appointed in April. Over the course of the last two weeks we have seen the advertisement of IHA Manager posts and Finance and HR posts across the country. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we anticipate the recruitment processes for the remainder of the members of the management teams of each of the 6 regions to progress. Centrally within the HSE we have seen a reorganisation of roles and functions. All of this bringing us closer and closer to a position where the new regional management teams are ready to take over from the existing hospital group and CHO management structures by the end of September this year and the role of central HSE changes.

It is understandable, and human at times like this, that the self preservation instinct is at its strongest. There is nothing inherently wrong with the desire to survive but we do need to sense check it from time to time to ensure that it isn’t dominating the overriding imperative to put patients first. Perhaps it is easier for me to take that perspective than it is for colleagues who have yet to find out where they will fit into the new structures. Fair comment! It does mean that there is an added responsibility on me and my colleague REOs to give certainty back to as many people working within the system as soon as possible. We are taking this responsibility very seriously.

The Irish Health Services has many very talented, hard working and dedicated managers, all of whom will be needed to continue to drive improvement within our services. We are making things better and with your help and support we will continue to do so.