Suzanne Costello, Chief Executive of the Institute of Public Health has been elected to serve as President of EuroHealthNet, the European Partnership for health, equity and wellbeing.
Suzanne will head the Partnership of public authorities and organisations as it works together on improving health throughout Europe.
Accepting the new role, Suzanne said, “I am grateful to have been elected as the next President of EuroHealthNet. This comes at the beginning of a very special year for the Partnership, as we quickly approach the European elections and the subsequent EU institutional renewal.
“Our collective experience and knowledge should feed into European policy-making to meet our societal challenges and fully embrace the opportunities for health, equity and wellbeing. This is crucial not only for the creation of new EU frameworks for action, but also to deliver on any unfinished business, such as the prevention proposals of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, and notably those related to the commercial determinants of health.”
EuroHealthNet’s Executive Board also elected Lorna Renwick from Public Health Scotland as its new Treasurer. The new leadership will guide the Partnership in its mission to achieve health equity and prevention-oriented health and social systems where promoting wellbeing for people and the planet stand front and central.
EuroHealthNet said it was grateful for the longstanding work of former Treasurer Giovanni Gorgoni, CEO of AReSS in Puglia, and also thanked Prof. Martin Dietrich, former Acting Director of BZgA in Germany, for leading the Partnership as President over the past two years.
Looking forward, EuroHealthNet has set out its key requests for the next EU strategic agenda 2024-2029. These include delivering on unfinished EU legislative initiatives for health, broadening the European Health Union, embracing wellbeing economy approaches in the EU’s economic governance framework, as well as strengthening the EU’s health and social fairness objectives through the European Pillar of Social Rights.