Minister for Health announces progress on development of ‘Surgical Hubs’


Progress has been made on the planned delivery of ‘Surgical Hubs’ nationally, Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly said at the beginning of the year.

The hubs are being developed in key locations around the country, either on the site of Model 4 hospitals, or on sites operated under the governance of the hospitals. The hubs are being developed to impact on day-case waiting lists in advance of the delivery of regional elective hospitals. 

Minister Donnelly said: 

“We have now seen a second year in a row with a reduction in waiting lists and I am determined that we will see a further reduction in the number of patients waiting in 2024. The surgical hubs will add to our reduced waiting times for day-case procedures in 2024.”

The Minister noted progress on the delivery of the six new surgical hubs: 

1. Mount Carmel in South Dublin

Fit-out works are underway and the first phase will be completed early in 2024. 

2. Swords in North Dublin

Fingal County Council has granted planning permission for the hub at the Swords Business Campus. The tender process is also complete and work will get underway shortly. 

3. Galway

Planning permission at Merlin Park granted. The tender process is complete and contract is to be awarded. 

4. Cork

Planning application lodged for development of hub at CUH and enabling works are underway.

5. Waterford

Planning application lodged for development of hub at UHW. 

6. Limerick

Planning application lodged for development of hub at Scoil Carmel site. 

The Department of Health said the new hubs were modelled on the very successful Reeves Centre at Tallaght University Hospital which had substantially reduced waiting times for day-case procedures.