Making the most of the possibilities and opportunities of the new regional structures

Tony Canavan
Tony Canavan

This month sees a significant progression in the reorganisation of the Health services in Ireland with the appointment of three of the new Regional Executive officers. In total there will be six REOs aligned to each of the six regions. Two have already been appointed since late last year and earlier this year and the final appointment will be taken up in April. In the interests of full disclosure; I am one of the six being appointed this month and am very much looking forward to the new challenges that the role will bring.

These appointments are a further progression of the implementation of Sláintecare and are the start of a significant change in the way we deliver and organise our health services.

Sláintecare brings many opportunities both for those of us working in the health services and more importantly for those that we serve. Regionalisation of our health services allows us to take a population based approach to the delivery of care, with an increased focus on outcomes as a measure of success. But it also facilitates greater integration of our services in ways that make sense for our patients and service users.

My reminder to myself as I take up this new role is to be alert to all of the possibilities and opportunities that this new structure gives us and to work with colleagues and service users to ensure that we make the most of them together.