Health Service Excellence Award Winners 2023


Improving Patient Experience

Winning Project: Development of a postnatal multidisciplinary team (MDT) Clinic to support women following a traumatic birth experience: The Lavender Clinic

Healthcare Setting: University Maternity Hospital Limerick

Winners of the HSE Excellence Awards 2023 category Improving Patient Experience: University Maternity Hospital Limerick team for their project Development of a postnatal multidisciplinary team (MDT) Clinic to support women following a traumatic birth experience.
The Lavender Clinic. L-R: Carol Desmond, Emma O’Kane, Maria Gibbons, Anne Marie Hoey (HSE National Director HR) Sheree O’Brien and Fiona Callanan.

The Lavender Clinic – University Maternity Hospital Limerick

The Lavender clinic is a screening, assessment and early intervention service for women at risk of or experiencing post traumatic stress symptoms related to birth. It is a multidisciplinary team (MDT), collaborative clinic facilitated by an advanced midwife practitioner (AMP), a consultant psychiatrist or registrar in psychiatry, An obstetric consultant and clinical specialist physiotherapy. The clinic is located off-site in a Primary Care Centre.

Innovation in Service Delivery

Winning Project: Operationalising a Perioperative Initiative across the South/South West Hospital Group (SSWHG)

Healthcare Setting: South/South West Hospital Group (SSWHG)

Winners of the HSE Excellence Awards 2023 category Innovation in Service Delivery: South SouthWest Hospital Group (SSWHG) for their project Operating a Perioperative Initiative across the South/ South West Hospital Group.
Charlie Dineen, Karen McCarthy, Julie McCarthy, Sarah Dwan, Aisling Lehane, Grace Reidy & Plaxcedes Jeche (both holding the trophy), Matt Walsh (HSE Board member), Martina Sheehy, Deborah McNamara, Mark Corrigan, Tess Traynor and Celia Lane.

Operating a Perioperative Initiative across the South/ South West Hospital Group (SSWHG)

Utilising Lean methodology, the South/South West Hospital Group (SSWHG) aligned with its 10 hospitals and relevant national programmes initiated a structured programme of theatre governance reform, data collection, communication, staff training, and quality improvement focused on perioperative services. SSWHG can now model future theatre capacity and compare with the demand of surgical waiting lists. This framework is an applicable model to any similar healthcare services.

Excellence in Quality and Patient Safety

Winning Project: Complex Care Coordination – Transferable Model of Care for Rare Disease

Healthcare Setting: Children’s Health Ireland and 22q Ireland Winners of the HSE Excellence Awards 2023 category Excellence in Quality and Patient Safety: Children’s Health Ireland and 22q Ireland for their project Complex Care Coordination: A Transferable Model of Care for Rare Disease – Children's Health Ireland and 22q Ireland.

Winners of the HSE Excellence Awards 2023 category Excellence in Quality and Patient Safety for their project Complex Care Coordination – Transferable Model of Care for Rare Disease, Lorna Kerin, Veselina Gadancheva, Dr Yvonne MacAuley, Brendan Whelan (HSE Board member), Dr Suzanne Kelleher, Anne Lawlor (22q Ireland) and Wesley Mulcahy.

Complex Care Coordination: A Transferable Model of Care for Rare Disease – Children’s Health Ireland and 22q Ireland

Complex care coordination undertaken for paediatric patients with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome. This involves integrating and coordinating medical, developmental and psychosocial services to ensure holistic care for the individual.

Engaging a Digital solution to provide a better service

Winning Project: Transforming Health Care with Real Time Data on Bed Utilisation

Healthcare Setting: Older Person and Digital Health Team CHO1

Winners of the HSE Excellence Awards 2023 category Engaging a Digital solution to provide a better service: Older person and digital health team, CHO1, for their project Transforming Health Care with Real Time Data on Bed Utilisation. L-R: Maria Burns, Sam Wallace, Frank Morrison, Stephen Mulvany (HSE CFO) Aislinn Gannon and Melissa Kelly.

Transforming Health Care with Real Time Data on Bed Utilisation – CHO1

CHOs required a comprehensive and detailed picture of the current use and occupancy rates of hospital beds, to optimise and better manage their availability for medical care and hospitalisation. This project delivered an app that rapidly provided that capability in an integrated and innovative way.

Right Care Right Place Right Time – Sláintecare Integration

Winning Project: Development of a Crisis Resolution Team (Mental Health) in Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services

Healthcare Setting: Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services

Winners of the HSE Excellence Awards 2023 category Right Care Right Place Right Time – Sláintecare Integration, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Team, CHO1, for their project, Development of a Crisis Resolution Team (Mental Health).
Tomás Murphy, Liz Sheridan, Joan Epping, Dr Elizabeth Gethins, Jackie Nix, Ray Slevin and Enda Moylan.

Providing community based intensive multidisciplinary team (MDT) interventions to service users and their families and loved ones at a time of mental health crisis as an alternative to mental health unit admission.