Work of HMI highlighted internationally


The work of the HMI, its President and Council, were highlighted in the May 2023 issue of Hospital Management in Europe, the official Journal of the European Association of Hospital Managers.

The focus on Ireland opened with an article by HMI President, Tony Canavan, on the aims and role of HMI, its role in developing the Irish health services, its national and international contribution, educational facilities and training which it provides and its official journal, Health Manager.

HMI Council Member and Hon. Editor of Health Manager, Caroline O’Regan, wrote about her work on developing international leadership competencies for healthcare executives. Caroline was nominated to the International Hospital Federation (IHF) to work on developing a new leadership competency model for healthcare executives.

The issue carried two articles by HMI Council Member, Sharon Morrow.  She wrote on the Role of Voluntary and Not For Profit Organisations in the Irish Health Services and “One island – two jurisdictions, the story of Healthcare on the Island of Ireland.”

Gerry O’Dwyer, Director of Education, HMI, former CEO South/South West Hospital Group, former President HMI and  former President EAHM, writes about “HMI Training – a proud pedigree!”

Former HMI President, Denis Doherty, discusses, “The Irish Health Services: Major change in the offing.  He writes about the history of the Irish health services since major changes now underway.

Caroline O’Regan
Caroline O’Regan
Gerry O’Dwyer
Tony Canavan
Tony Canavan
Sharon Morrow
Denis Doherty
Denis Doherty