New Infectious Diseases Isolation Facility

HSE Infectious Diseases Isolation Facility, St. Ita’s Campus in Portrane, Co. Dublin.
Front Row: Anne McNally, Director of Nursing, Isolation Facility, Helen Stokes, Facility Manager,  Stephen Mulvaney Interim HSE CEO, Nurse Monalisa Hlongwane,  Karen Whelan Service Manager North Dublin Mental Health & St. Josephs IDS CHO9.
Second Row: Mark Pemberton PBS Builders, Patricia Craven Office Manager, Hilary Braham Clinical Lead, Mary Short Health Care Assistant, Larisa Andries  Cleaning Operative.
Back Row: Jarek PBS Builders, Dylan Kane Brian King Engineering, Brian Kelly. Brian King Engineering.

A new HSE Infectious Diseases Isolation Facility has been opened at St. Ita’s Campus in Portrane, Co. Dublin.

The 43-bed, 24/7 facility is for residents with infectious diseases who are self-caring and unable to isolate in their own homes.

The facility is zoned and as such can concurrently accommodate residents with different infectious diseases and differing isolation period time-frames without risk of cross-contamination. The facility has accommodated residents with mpox, Covid, chickenpox, measles and norovirus.

The Facility is managed by an Assistant National Director and Director of Nursing and  served with 24/7 Nursing and Health-Care Assistant Staff. There is access to an on-site GP service daily Mon-Fri, and on-call GP service for weekends and out of hours.

Helen Stokes, Facility Manager said,We are the National Infectious Diseases Isolation Facility and now have the capability to provide isolation to residents who are being referred with different diseases.  We can also provide support to the HSE Transit Centre at Citywest for new arrivals to the country”

Dr Christos Markos GP said, “It is great to have this Isolation Facility available to residents who are unable to isolate in their own home or community and I am very proud to be part of the excellent multidisciplinary team working in this Isolation Facility.” 

Residents are provided with three meals a day.  Outside of meal times there are welfare areas where residents can make their own tea or coffee and watch TV.  Free Wi-Fi is also available. Residents have access to shared shower and toilet facilities. Clean laundry and towels are provided on a daily basis or as required.  All resident areas are cleaned on a daily basis.