HSE Assistant National Director National Infectious Diseases Isolation Facility

Helen Stokes

Helen Stokes has been appointed as Assistant National Director, HSE Infectious Diseases Isolation Facility at St. Ita’s Campus, Co. Dublin. It is a 43-bed facility which caters for residents with infectious diseases who are self-caring and unable to isolate in their own homes.  The Facility is served with 24/7 Nursing and Health-Care Assistant Staff.

She was previously (March 2020 to June 2022) been the Operations Manager of the HSE Self-Isolation Facilities at Citywest Hotels. These were set up during the COVID-19 pandemic to look after people who were unable to isolate in their own homes or community. During this time, she also managed the mandatory quarantine for healthcare workers coming to work in Ireland in consultation with the Department of Health, Recruitment Agencies, Employers and Hotel Groups.

Ms. Stokes has had an extensive career in the health services for over 35 years in the EHB, ERHA, HSE and also in the private sector.

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The Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) is the professional body for healthcare managers across all sectors of the health services in Ireland. Its overall aim is the development of standards of management competence and practice. We inform, educate and involve members and stakeholders in professional development and networking activities.