“The healthcare workforce wellbeing crisis”


A virtual international symposium on ensuring the wellbeing of healthcare staff
Free event by invitation

With keynote speakers
Prof. Michael West, Suzie Bailey and Dr Sarah Eagger

You are invited to join this very interesting symposium focused on the scale of health and social care international workforce crisis and individual and organisational solutions. It is designed to help health and social care workforce directors, chief people officers, wellbeing leads and guardians, HR directors, organization development leads and leaders at every level:

This event provides a great opportunity to focus, clearly and honestly, on our world workforce crisis. It is being provided by BFC Compassionate Care and Mindful Medicine with an impressive panel of international thought leaders and experts. It is highly recommended to come along to this virtual event and contribute to the discussion on how we might work towards addressing this – writes Caroline O’Regan, HMI Hon. Editor.

This symposium is focused on the scale of the international workforce crisis and individual and organisational solutions. It is designed to help workforce directors, chief people officers, wellbeing leads and guardians, HR directors, organization development leads and leaders at every level. Participants include representatives from the health care systems of the Netherlands, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, USA, Northern Ireland, Sweden, Norway and Australia.

International online symposium focused on the scale of the international workforce crisis and individual and organisational solutions. It is designed to help workforce directors, chief people officers, wellbeing leads and guardians, HR directors, organization development leads and leaders at every level.

This is a free event by invitation: Participants include representatives from the health care systems of the Netherlands, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, USA, Northern Ireland, Sweden, Norway and Australia.  


For people who may want to find out more about the organisation, its global reach and the great work and offerings to the Health and Care Communities around the world:https://ccmm.care/international/

Please send as a personal e-mail if you’d like to attend and didn’t receive a personal invite yet: icc@ccmm.care

Key note speakers

Speaker: Suzie Bailey “The workforce crisis & key leadership actions required”

Suzie Bailey
Suzie Bailey

Suzie Bailey leads the leadership and organisational development team at The King’s Fund. She was an operational leader in acute, community and mental health care providers for more than 21 years and is passionate about improving care through the development of people and cultures. At Sheffield Teaching Hospitals she led the creation of the Sheffield Microsystem Coaching Academy in partnership with the Dartmouth Institute in Massachusetts, US. Before joining The King’s Fund, Suzie was the director of leadership and quality improvement at NHS Improvement, where her work included the design and delivery of the first national framework for improvement and leadership development in England and the creation of a major programme on culture and leadership with Professor Michael West and The King’s Fund. Suzie is a trustee of Skills for Care, a Health Foundation fellow and on the editorial board of the Future Healthcare Journal.

Speaker: Prof. Michael West “Compassionate leadership to meet the core needs of staff at work”

Michael West
Michael West

Michael West CBE is Senior Visiting Fellow at The King’s Fund, London and Professor of Organisational Psychology at Lancaster University, Visiting Professor at University College, Dublin, and Emeritus Professor at Aston University. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the American Psychological Association (APA), an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and an Honorary Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery.  He led the English Department of Health Policy Research Programme into cultures of quality and safety. He also led the NHS National Staff Survey development and initial implementation. He co-chaired with Dame Denise Coia, the two-year inquiry on behalf of the UK General Medical Council into the mental health and well-being of doctors Caring for Doctors, Caring for Patients (2019). He led the review for The King’s Fund (commissioned by the RCN Foundation) into the mental health and well-being of nurses and midwives across the UK, The Courage of Compassion: Supporting Nurses and Midwives to Deliver High Quality Care (2020). His latest book (2021) is Compassionate leadership: Sustaining wisdom, humanity and presence in health and social care (London: Swirling Leaf Press). He was appointed a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2020 for services to compassion and innovation in healthcare.

Mindful Break & Short Meditation

Speaker: Dr. Sarah Eagger “Self-compassion & self-valuing amongst healthcare staff – barriers and strategies”

Dr Sarah Eagger
Dr Sarah Eagger

Dr Sarah Eagger (MB, BS, FRCPsych) is Chair of the Janki Foundation (a UK-based charity that promotes spirituality in healthcare) and a retired consultant psychiatrist formerly at Imperial College, London.  She is on the executive committees of both the Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry section of the World Psychiatric Association and the Special Interest Group on Spirituality at the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK). She has practiced Raja Yoga meditation for over 40 years and is a Mindful Self Compassion teacher.

Speaker: Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven “the international compassion community”

Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven
Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven

Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven is founder and director of BFC Compassionate Care & Mindful Medicine. Her background and experience makes her an expert in integrating and putting into practice the connection between healthcare, compassionate leadership, teamwork, science, mindfulness and spirituality. She does this with light-hearted earthiness, humour and sharp clarity. Her work expands beyond the Netherlands to international collaborations with other mindfulness experts, integrating compassion in teamwork and leadership to foster compassionate cultures, especially in the healthcare sector. She will share information about The Internationale Compassion Community for People in Healthcare’ inititiative, which has just celebrated its 2 year anniversary.

Questions and answers

Mark Mazur
Mark Mazur

HOST:  Marc Mazur, medical student and committed compassionate host of the International Compassion Community for People in Healthcare