Secretary General Dept of Education


Former Health Manager, Bernie McNally has been appointed Secretary General of the Department of Education.

A native of Carrickmacross, she worked as an Occupational Therapist in Ireland, the UK and the USA and was later a Director of Therapy and Social Work services in St James’s Hospital, Dublin. 

Before being appointed Secretary General to the Department of Education, Ms McNally served as Assistant Secretary General at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, where she had responsibility for the disability and youth division.

She has been Director General of the Office of the Ombudsman (incorporating the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Secretariat to the Standards in Public Office Commission (SIPOC) and the Commission for Public Service Appointments). 

She was employed as an Advisor on Therapy services in the Department of Health and Children from 2004 to 2008. She joined the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in April 2015 as Assistant Secretary General with lead responsibility for Early Years Care and Education, Youth Affairs, Research and Participation. 

She has a BSc and MSc from Trinity College Dublin and completed a graduate Leadership Program with the University of Limerick and the Office for Health Management.