Tracking 8,000 medical equipment devices


An Electronic Asset Tracking System has been implemented in Tallaght University Hospital to improve the ability to track over 500 devices of medical equipment.

The tracking system, which has been introduced by TUH Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Department (MPCE) means that the Department has significantly improved the accuracy of the known location of equipment. If it is needed in another area it can be redirected and if a piece of equipment needs service they know where it is.

The Medical Equipment Library service was used to pilot this technology as a proof of concept for improving medical device management in a healthcare setting. The loaning process has been streamlined and the team are further along in their journey of implementing a paperless system.

The implementation involved digitally mapping the Hospital on a software application. This consists of fifty four locations over four floors. By having this improved accurate location information has helped greatly in dealing with peak equipment demands during COVID-19.

The team was shortlisted for an award at the RFID Journal conference for Best implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in healthcare.