National Inpatient Experience Survey


The National Inpatient Experience Survey — the largest survey of its kind in Ireland — is taking place during the month of September.

The survey is asking patients about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care they received and will give them the opportunity to share their experiences, as well as to say what improvements they believe are necessary in Irish hospitals.

This year patients are being asked about admission to hospital, the ward environment, care and treatment, discharge from hospital, as well as additional questions about their experiences in hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as staff communication while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and contact with family and friends given visitor restrictions.

An estimated 25,000 patients are eligible to participate in this year’s survey. Since 2017, almost 40,000 patients have completed the survey nationally.

All patients aged over 16 years-of-age who spend 24 hours or more in hospital and are discharged during the month of September are eligible to participate.