Closing the Conference, HMI President, Lucy Nugent thanked all those who had attended, the speakers, sponsors, Valerie Twomey of NRH, Conor Hannaway and Rosemarie Carroll of SHRC, HMI’s business partner, for organising the conference and the RDS staff.

“The speakers have presented us with many challenges and opportunities to make real changes, to build trust and to stay engaged,” she said.
“Laura Magahy, Executive Director, Sláintecare, asked two questions of us – What Sláintecare can do for you? and What you can do for Sláintecare? If you send these views and suggestions into me at, I will be delighted to pass them on.
“We have much to ponder following this conference today- as articulated by Dr. Simon Boucher, we work in a “VUCA” environment… One third of us are reported as being ‘extremely burned out,’ and we need to check our own ‘thermostats’ as leaders. If I was to sum up the main point which has emerged, I would say that it is the need for love and care in all we do, in how we treat our patients and clients, their families and our colleagues.”