Staff beat the “Beast from the East.”
Welcome to the Spring edition of Health Manager. The recent “Beast from the East”, Storm Emma tested the health service to the limits with many stories of the lengths staff went to, to ensure care was maintained to our patients and health service users.

It also showed the cross division team work and support that was given and received between emergency services such as the civil defence, the defence forces, Garda Siochana, volunteer groups and the health service. On behalf of health managers across the country, I would like to express a sincere thanks to all.
The guiding aims of the HMI are to “Educate, Inform and Involve” Health Managers and the regional events are a means of doing this so I would encourage you to attend as many as possible throughout the year as well as the annual conference. As the European Association of Hospitals Managers congress is being held in September of this year, the HMI annual conference will be held later this year on November 19 in the usual venue at the RDS, so please save the date in your calendar!