Importance of building relationships across Europe

Welcome to the special edition featuring the highly successful Agora conference which the HMI was honoured to host in June of this year in Trinity College on behalf of the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE). There were delegates from all across Europe who generously shared their learning and experience whilst enjoying their time in Ireland. As a small island on the edge of Europe it is important that we retain our outward focus and build relationships across Europe – we are more alike than different and face the same challenges of reduced budgets, an ageing population and higher public expectations.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed to both the exchange programme and the conference – your hard work, professionalism, excellent organisational skills and good humour were greatly appreciated. Whilst dangerous to single out any one person I must commend Eamonn Fitzgerald (CEO Hermitage, HMI council member and Ireland’s national coordinator for HOPE) for not only convincing the HOPE board of governors that Ireland could host such a prestigious event but also supporting the HMI council to take on the challenge and guiding us at every stage.
Change in health is inevitable and along with innovation a requisite of any constantly evolving healthcare system and we look forward to working with the newly reconfigured HSE leadership team and wish the new appointees every success as they take up their new positions. With innovation comes disruption and the theme of this year’s HMI conference on Monday 25th September in the RDS, Dublin is “Innovative Disruption: Changes that will make a difference”. As Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We have an exciting line up of speakers and I invite you to save the date and join us in exploring the context for change, what does innovative Disruption look like? And ask ourselves can we “Be the Change” and what can we do differently?