Spring and new beginnings

Welcome to the latest issue of Health Manager and with the onset of Spring and new beginnings. I wonder is there a synergy between nature and Minister Harris’s recent announcement at the Oireachtas Health Committee of his intent to reinvigorate the health service through reconfiguration and alignment of the health service to enhance patient experience and outcomes. If achieved it can only be a positive development. The one thing that can be counted on in health is change!
By now many of you will have received your invitation to renew your membership for HMI and I hope you feel the benefit of being involved and supported through the professional association for health managers – if you are considering membership please log on to http://www.hmi.ie/membership/ for further details. As my predecessor said “an organisation is only as vibrant as its members.”
Planning for the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation’s (HOPE) Agora conference hosted by the HMI, June 11-13th, is at an advanced stage of planning and will be a great opportunity for shared learning across Europe. For further details on HOPE and the exchange programme go to http://www.hope.be/
In addition Health Manger will have a new look and feel as we enhance our web and mobile capability to bring you more timely health news – I hope you enjoy and please do not hesitate to contact us with suggestions on how we can improve Health Manager